Thursday, June 01, 2006

Free your Mind and Rest will Follow!

Cosmopolitan Lifestyle is very weary. The amount of preventive conservation in forms of fermented barley concoctions, flammable beverages with fruit flavors and oral stimulants known to be health-hazards leave a mark even on the most rugged complexion. Combined with emotional stress caused by Lappish Monster Rock and years of computer-work the results can be seen - - - dark under-eyes!

Mooses decided - after seriously considering the alternatives - to go for a (short) holiday instead of emergency liposuction and a facelift. Whatever they say in the ads about the miraculous powers of fruit acid compounds, nothing beats fatique better than a Week of Total Oblivion in Helsinki.

With a bit of luck, one can bump into something with claws and a battle axe that goes "GRAAGH!" in the dark. And they do not wear sweaters made of hand-spun wool dyed at home with onion peels anymore. Rubber and Reindeer skins are in! Birkenstock-Ecco is definitely out. Amen!

Buzzing Night Life in Central Helsinki --->

The second whatsoever-day is on coming Monday and the weekend ahead will be a nicely long. Enjoy it and keep off the darn TV football! Amsterdam is full of local cheese heads in orange already.

Mooses says: devote your life to ignoring football.