Facts about Mooses

Facts about Mooses
I am Mooses Pessi, late-Fourties verbal acrobat oddball considered by some to be The Virgin Queen of Nymphomania. I live currently in Amsterdam, Netherlands.
My wits are questionable taste, vicious opinions and occasional lack of respect to quite some things surrounding us all in this busy world of today. I am devoted to worship of Mother Earth and Bombay Sapphire Gin. Thanks to the above, I am hailed by the intellectuals and envied by the street dwellers.
... and Nymphomania 
This blog and the imaginary Kingdom of Nymhomania was born 31st of March 2006 as a result of countless pints of beer and  hilarious evenings with a bunch of friends at that time get-together-and-make-the-world-a-better-place-bar of ours in Sloterdijk. The first posts might give you an idea about the level of discussions in the beginning. Will leave them there for later reference. Modifications prone to happen.
French and Saunders have been a true inspiration to me for years, and they certainly deserve my humble thanks for some parts of this mess. Thanks Girls!

French and Saunders: Lord of the Rings

But it would be unfair not to mention Eddie Izzard. His Stand-Up style and ability to completely get his audience to lose the track of the story - and tie it back into a hilarious realization of entertaining skill is so "Executive Transvestite,
Oh Darn, his James Bond and Pavlov's Cats

Still a long way to get there, oh yes, oh yes...
Mooses in Nymphomania has gone through quite some iterations and changed along the years. A couple of Bloggers Blocks can be noticed due to gaps between publishing dates. Currently I concentrate in juxtaposing things with, well... other things.
On this Mooses in Nyphomania blog, I share generously my ideas, recipe for life and advice to enhance the life of any mortal soul.
My PhotoEnjoy the teachings of Master Mooses!