Thursday, September 28, 2006

Smells like IT Spirit!

"Blogger's performance has been sluggish this morning. The culprit seems to be a bunch of spammers creating spam blogs at a high-rate. We are locking the spam creators out from Blogger and monitoring the system to see that there are no other issues. Thanks for your patience."

Thanks for your patience? I do not have any! Find those bastards, dip them in tar and feathers and hang them onto the closest lamp-post as warning to anybody else trying to do the same! "We are locking the spam creators..." Get out of it! Hinternet is full of idiots ! Hire some Nerds to keep their eye on your servers.

<--- A Nerd keeping eye on Blogger's Servers

"Someone left my cake out in the rain and I can´t find the recipe again."

Mud will be flung tonight!

Mr. Cheesy Claw is recovering from his cheesy approach to the universe wearing a very sexy beard. It makes you look slim and very approachable!
Dr. Kaboom, who decided to move to a world-famous bank in Holland as an IT messer-up had his holidays in the banana-countries. And with his new driving licence he is more mobile than ever!
Mau is overly exchausted with his work and decided to kill himself and donate the outcome to the Mountain Goats of Tibet. Mooses was only interested if he left any stylish shoes? He refuses to wear any and took our advice to keep alive...
Auntie Man's sister put some Japanese needles into my neck the other evening and helped me over yet another week. That Woman is Sharp, I can tell!
Auntie Man has still not found his Leaking Duck but searching. Any petite-ladies around are adviced to make contact. A good man is going to go to waste otherwise.
Mr. Organ still has a close relationship with Helmut, and finds the company of Interesting IT People in the city better than ours. Funny he has not introduced any compilers that wear a mini-skirt to us yet?
Kiwi's are gone - or having to demonstrate that the back-drop of Lord of the Rings was actually real. Must be heavy to be unique after the whole world has been disclosed with that secret.
The Wicked Bitch from the East has shown excellent social gualities lately. Mooses has grown to like him. Hey, he claims not to pay for sex ... who does, Dear?
Ms. Rwanda missed excellent and personally prepared Indian dinners at least once, Mr. Ebony Luv got shown the door, New Girlies are learning the names and the numbers of The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen, DD is gorgeous as ever, Budda-Buddy has realized that it is a good thing go give free drinks to the League, Young Man have learned the multiplication at school, Mooses is Learning Indonesian and enjoying pretty pictures. Life is good!

BTW: Mooses is in lyyve and considering a marriage. So if you ever had any horny feelings towards me you did not disclose, do it now! It might bee too late very soon. (No need to come and ring my doorbell in the middle of the night whining then, you suckers!)

Mooses says: go immediately to
Yeah, Right!

Mooses is kinda back! It might have taken time, but it has been worth waiting_

So much has happened that my Terabytes cannot recall everything. But one thing is certain - I recalled my password! Not too bad for an Nyphomaniac of my age, eh???

Blog-blog is over and the juices will flow. Follow this blog!

Mooses says: Blogging Rules!