Saturday, May 10, 2008


Porgy and Bess, an opera from 1935 by George Gershwin, comes to Mooses's mind. Weather turned tropical in Amsterdam.

And the Living is Easy: Working from Home is The Trend. Funny I do not get replies to my mails during those WFH days...

Fish are Jumpin': We got Carps in the pond by the office. And Crayfish. And Crocodiles. And Parakeets. And Turtles. And the local bars are full of Tropical Fish in general!

And the Cotton is High: Was out with Cotton the other night and she was really high! She passed out after the second Green Devil. Bad ROI.

Your Daddy´s Rich: No, actually he was not, but darn good lookin´.

And Your Mamma´s Good Lookin´: She is still indeed, Porgy! So was my Daddy. Eat your heart out! Mooses got good genes.

So Hush Little Baby: Marinate them well in Soy sauce, Orange juice and Black Pepper before grilling. Mango Chutney goes well with the Tender Loins. Be careful with the tiny bones while eating.

Don´t You Cry: Bhahwhawwhah ... bhahwhawwhah!

One of these Mornings: Yawn! Too hot to get out of bed...

You're Going to Rise up Singing: "Morning has Broken!" Do hookers take porridge for breakfast?

Then You'll Spread Your Wings: Yes, Bette. I am the Wind Beneath My Wings!

And You'll Take to the Sky: Later, Porgy. The Dealer comes a bit later, like we agreed. Concentrate on the Cotton for a while now, Dear.
Jumpin' Fish

Add-ons are welcome. Mooses leaves it to your imagination, Opossums!

Mooses says: I Loves You, Porgy!