Saturday, November 01, 2008

Happy Halloween, and Merry Christmas...

Last night the dead arouse, it was Halloween in America. Back home it was the Day of the Saints. Being a pagan, Mooses believes in old religion and hails the turn of the yearly wheel.

Christmas is coming? No it is "joulu", which comes from a Nordic word for the wheel "hjul". It marks the moment of winter solstice on the 21st of December. Yes, that´s the moment when the day starts getting longer again - victory from the darkness, you say. A moment of celebration! And a start of another round of the wheel.

<--- Jack'o'Lantern

And then the Christians took it and made it into some sort of a birthday. Sorry, Mooses's father was born on New Year´s Eve, just before midnight. And Mooses was born on the Spring Equinox, just before the noon. Call that a coincidence. If you count back 9 months from the Spring Equinox, you come to Summer Solstice. the biggest pagan celebration in the Nordic Countries. Funny, eh?

But where was I? Ah, the pumpkins.

The carved pumpkin lit with a candle is a European symbol of mind and spirit. It originates from Celtic believes and Irish folklore. Kinda spooky to see them made in China out of plastic with led lights inside today. But so did go the good´ol Goat of the Yearly Wheel down the drain with CocaCola and Hohoho.

The price of oil has dropped 50% during the last month and a half. The price of a pumpkin has gone up 50% the last month and a half. And Islanders are sipping MaiTai's on their tropical island.

World is not fair!

Moose says: Pumpkin seeds are good for prostata.