Thursday, October 09, 2008

Icelandanders have left the Island!

For several years, the Icelanders have been collecting money from innocent non-Icelanders into their banking system. Successfully, very successfully. We stupid main-landers have been pumping money onto their little island for a long time, investing into never-ending earthly resources for aluminium, bananas, health spa´s and enjoying the cod from the fresh arctic waters.
<--- A Blue Lagoon without Brooke Shields - Iceland, that is

And meanwhile, what have the mean Islanders been doing? INVESTING! Giving us a mere 5.25% of interest is nothing compared to the interest Haiti has given them. Good for you!

So during all these years, 313,376 pieces of Seal Eating Islanders have had their plan - buy Haiti and get off that miserable, cold, unstable piece-of-shit island of theirs. Stop sucking money from Denmark and fighting about the waters with Norway and UK. And they succeeded! And Europe pays for it! Thank You Commonwealth - your grannies live nicely on porridge, don´t they?

Haitians have been packed into large ships and forced to leave their homes. Icelanders are the new White Rulers! The previous island of Iceland is for the Haitians to develop their skills in seal-eating and spa culture. Islanders love their new, tropical surroundings to the max - them all been pre-trained at the Blue Lagoon already, and they know how to grow bananas. Shere Bliss!

Mooses says: So long, and thanks for all the cash!

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