Sunday, May 14, 2006

Since the last entry some water has been flowing through the river Don

Queen´s Day was two weeks ago and went very traditionally hopping around the city and drinking filthy expensive beer from small plastic cups. Somehow the days got mixed up and after ringing the wrong doorbell first, found myself outside a friends house wondering where the party is? After calling him realized I was one day late. Whoops - sorry...

But managed to get to India during these last weeks. One day in Bang-a-Lot makes a Hard Man humble! So nice to see the country and enjoy the spicy foods - never to forget the friendliness of local colleagues. And if somebody around Amsterdam whines about traffic jams, I'll tell them about the local horrors in India. Imagine a road of two lanes being filled from ditch to ditch with all 2 and 4 wheelers/footers including mopeds, pedestrians, cows, buses, lorries, cars, bicycles and any other means of transport - all still moving ahead. "Crazy" is an understatement!

Some local prices: 10 packs of Marlboro: 16 Euro - lunch at the local cantina including coffee and water: 0,50 Euro - good quality tailored cotton shirt: 15 Euro - approximate monthly income locally as a clerk in a shop: 220 Euro - a huge bag of dried chillies: 0,25 Euro - big apartment in the central area: 200K Euro

Been tired and angry lately and had a fit of rage last night. Munchie suggested therapy. What do you think?

Mooses says: Go Guru!

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