Friday, September 03, 2010

New Social Media - A Book Club for Ugly People

One of these evenings sitting on my roof with Milano and her b.f. Emil, an idea was about to materialize. Being very social, energetic, beautiful and educated young woman, with wit in English language making Mooses humble, the momentum was worth exploring further. While the pondering discussion about all the options a person has in this life went on, she came up with one of her dreams which was not a Fish Farm.

<-- Edina Monsoon on the arms of a brother of a Fish Farm owner.

It was a Book Club. Starting easy, finding some interested people to get together, say every other week in a small, cozy restaurant and have a casual, literate evening together. Everybody brings a book along - which they have read during the past 2 weeks, preferably - and quote some lines from it for all present. And then the group discusses the feelings, expressions, deep thought and meaning of it all. Some wine and nibbles. A glass of liqueur to the more poetic members? Perfect!

Maybe a small fee for the Hostess would be in order? For the nibbles?

Being a teacher of Business English, and a really good one, some extra´s could be added to that Literate Evening with Milano. Some vocabulary enhancement and pronounciation exercises, perhaps. Well, just to correct some common mistakes of the non-English, particularly Dutch folks, like to use "I want to please my Manager" instead of "I want to pleasure my Boss." Or to learn the difference of "borrow" and "lend" - or "teach" and "learn".

For that extra, the fee for the hostess would certainly be justified!

All things so bright and beautiful

Do not take me wrong, Milano´s idea is good. But in the Age of Facebook, Youtube, syncronized multi-band mobile phones and WFH (working from home), the social side of this idea needs to be explored further.

<--a cozy Night Cafe by Vincent van Gogh

Are Book Lovers generally good looking? Nopey. Therefore it would be good to emphasize that aspect in the style of this particular Book Club. And make it a dating service at the same time. For ugly people.

A fee for the hostess gets a totally different meaning...

"Don´t Judge the Book by the Cover" - a Book Club for Ugly People

Picture this: a picturesque off-center Amsterdam cafe, windy and drizzling rainy Thursday evening in the autumn, soft lights dancing in the misty windows of the place and a happy concoction of sounds seeping into the wet streets outside.

Tempting. I carry a book with me, I wear a long raincoat... I know a few lines from the book. It is Opus Pistorum by Henry Miller. I liked the idea with the dates and want to share that with other people. Gjahhahhah... drool...

"Welcome to our Literate Evening!"  says the Lovely Hostess at the door.  "3 Euros, please? It is for the Dates. You look lovely tonight, and the boys are already in here!"

I pay my 3 Euros and am ready. Henry, Henry, Henry... 

Mooses says: Keep your hands above the blanket.

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