Friday, April 25, 2008

To be Lost or to be Found?

Modern Souls are tortured by needing to make so many decisions that keeping ones mind sane is becoming increasingly difficult. RACI, for instance, haunts every man working in an organization bigger than one - should I do it, or should you? Recycling - am I to take a tea bag into pieces and put the tea leaves into bio-waste, the bag itself into paper bin, metal clip into the heap of tin cans and save the yarn for later? Take a loan and buy a house or continue renting - maybe the financial market will collapse like prices of houses in NY? Cross the street here or a block further? Italian or Chinese for dinner? Dog or Cat for a pet? Boy or Girl for a fuck? Goldfish...maybe?

Why bother?

Calvin Klein used to wear his own underwear, did he not, Ms. Midler?

Answer can be found when lost in Helsinki

A place which provides an answer to these mysteries of life exists. It is located in Helsinki and called Lost & Found. Mooses used to do their marketing - ages ago (logo is not mine, but great - Mooses was given The Pin with a Diamond during the 10 Year Anniversary). -Highly recommended place for any visitor needing to spend time in the White City of the North. Clientele varies from civilized artists and other public figures to mere alcoholics and flying madrasses. Lovely blend! And everybody is Too Sexy for their Hat!

Mooses says: Visit Lost & Found. They serve Salmari and other interesting beverages in an enlivening atmosphere. Be careful, you might get lost and like it...

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