Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Queen's Day 2008 is Here!

Finally the spring has arrived and along it, the craziest party in Amsterdam - Queen´s Day. Last night was the "Queen's Night" when folks start warming up to the day to come.

Bars and streets are full of toxicated individuals singing Schlager songs very badly and very, very loud. Lots or orange boa´s are being worn, which lure the local fruitcakes to try them on around their heads. (What is it with those men?)

No to be too distant about this all, Mooses fell into the trap, too, last night. Sevenhundredandeleven gin tonics later it was time to crawl home from the local Chaotic entertainment center. Discussions were around things what a Sikh needs to do to blend into European business community and is it safe to allow lesbians to steer glass-fibre speedboats on the narrow canals of Amsterdam? Highly civilized, utterly cultivated and most motivating topics! And before you even think of it: Mooses did not try the boa.

It´s just past ten in the morning and the chump-bump-chump-bump-chump-squeek-chump-squeek rhythms from the passing boats are already rattling my windows. In no time, a bunch of Extraordinary Ladies and Gentlemen arrive for first refreshments. Before it´s too late, Mooses needs to go and stock up the alcohol. This is not going to end well...

Mooses says: Bless the Queens - and have fun!


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