Monday, August 09, 2010

Never join a BBQ prepared by Highly-Educated Men!

A Dutch free magazine "Spits" warns us lowly-educated summer people about the risks involved with joining a nice little Barbecue with highly-educated men. Not because of any Hanky-Panky, but due to bad hygiene these filthy, filthy men in suits display when preparing the BBQ. Spits reports that yearly about a half a million Dutch people get ill due to BBQ meat which has been outside of a fridge for too long.

 A victim of a Highly-Educated Man's Barbecue. --->

According to the article, more than 80% of university-trained men do not use a cool-bag to take meat or fish home from the shop. And more than 25% of men do not put the meat into the fridge within one hour.

How horrible indeed! (Mooses shivers of disgust...)
<--- BBQ Role Model: A University Educated Man with a Cool Bag.

The magazine does not report, however, how many men keep the beer out of the fridge longer than absolutely necessary. And when the beer is in, there is simply no room for the meat, you Health Freaks!

Properly prepared BBQ Fridge --->

Giving a safe-margin of one hour for meat being outside of the fridge before slamming it on the grill is sheer nonsense. Particularly if you grill them through and we're not talking about soaking the meat in it's own juice under the sun for several hours. You did buy fresh products, did you? For a good result, meat needs to be at least room temperature before being put on the grill.

But OK, before you start sending your "disagree!" messages to Mooses, there is a simple thing to keep in mind. Do not use the plates, cutting boards, knives and other utensils you used handling the raw stuff for the cooked food. Have a clean set of tools for the stuff you serve from the grill. Particularly true if you cook chicken!

But please, do leave those darn Hygienic Wipes out of the BBQ picture, OK?

Mooses Says: Happy Birthday, Barbie!

PS, What comes to cool-bags, Mooses uses them only when taking home ice-cream or other sensitive frozen foods and if the trip back to my freezer would take, say more than 30 minutes. Due to shopping usually just around the corner, that boils down to "almost never".

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