Sunday, August 08, 2010

Hanky-Panky and 35 Million Dollars

Mark Hurd is the latest victim of Hanky-Panky - devastating, contagious condition which tends to hit high-ranking business men and politicians across the world. Mark's condition, with it's side effects causing uncontrollable urge to file false receipts, got so bad that he had to resign from his lucrative COE position.

<--- Christine Keeler: "Discretion is the polite word for hypocrisy."
(Note that *copy* of Arne Jacobsen chair!)

Luckily Mark got a compensation (USD 35 Million plus - in cash, stock and options) which should pay for the cure.

Mooses is sure Mark will recover from his Hanky-Panky and will be able to return to a similar position in another organisation in no time. Marks's wife seems to not care too much, and has opted not to comment the condition of her poor, filthy rich husband. Maybe Mark is secretly going for politics? Political environment IS more forgiving to his condition. Hanky-Panky has hit many significant politicians in the past but they all survived with flying colours. Hanky-Panky is widespread and better understood male-nuisance within political groups, and does not often carry such unimportant background burdens like "code of conduct" or "ethics".

<--- Mark Hurd: "I think you'll see us trying to be more precision-oriented in terms of who we partner with."

   Jodie Fisher: "I have resolved my claim with Mark privately, without litigation, and I do not intend to comment on it further." --->

Find Jodie´s Filmography at:  IMDb

Gloria Allred's law firm states: "At Allred, Maroko & Goldberg, we believe the best method for effecting social change after experiencing harassment or discrimination is to expose the violation and inflict real, financial damages on the offender. This is often the only way to ensure that the offense is corrected and never repeated."

<--- Gloria Allred: "There was no affair and no intimate sexual relationship between our client and Mr. Hurd."

FoxNews comments this condition vividly: "Political sex scandals have become so common that it's almost cliché to point out that fact every time another one breaks. But for those who would like their memories jogged, has compiled a brief retrospective on members of Congress who have gotten caught in recent years fooling around with aides, acquaintances and others who are not their spouses."

Enjoy at:

<--- Bill Clinton: "I did not have sexual relationships with that woman"

Monica Lewinsky: "It was a mutual relationship."--->

John Profumo: “There was no impropriety whatsoever
in my acquaintanceship with Miss Keeler.” -->

Mooses says: Hmmmm...

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