Saturday, March 01, 2008

Archaeology vs. Catherine Deneuve

Catherine Deneuve (Catherine Fabienne Dorléac by birth) - the Lady of France - has through her epic career shown striking skills what comes to not being a Dumb Blonde. Her classic looks and open-mindness has inspired generations of admirers and cosmetic industry alike (yes, in plural, she is 267 years old). But how can she keep her porcelain doll looks through all these years - is she a living mummy, animated mannequin, an evil zombie in disguise, gene therapy experiment, an alien, maybe she visited the Secret Surgeon? Mooses has no clue but acknowledges the result.

<--- An Evil Zombie in Disguise

Archaeology might provide us with an answer. According to closely informed, highly educated, publicly financed, well hung and generally adorned resources (Finnish archaeologist who has licked the hand of Swedish Queen, Silvia, and considers the King being a looser) Catherine has publicly announced The Secret. All boils down to individual choice. When you come to your fourties, you only have two options: "Vis" or "Derrier"! It´s like making a Deal with the Devil!

Option One "Vis": You age graciously, become charmant, wondrously youthful, elegant, adorably ageless, classic and will be flattered at dinner parties and at the office. People will ask you not to refer yourself being old. But nobody actually wants to fuck with you but while you´re fully dressed. Fetish folks who like to slip into something more uncomfortable before nocturnal activities prefer this. Take the Blue Pill!

Option Two "Derrier": Everybody wants to fuck with you but with a paper bag over your head. For eternity! Fetish folks who like masks should choose this option - particularly great for motorbikers. Folks into snuff should use plastic bags. Take the Red Pill!

"I took the Red Pill!"

Silvia has not made her choice yet - tick-tick-tick... She prefers being under a big Swedish flag.

Mooses says: Never underestimate the positive effects of Preventive Conservation! (Mooses uses Bombay, not embalming fluid as mistakenly claimed.)

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