Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Whale Burger at Strøget
Did you know that the Danes used an insect-based coloring to make the famous Pølse-sausages so distinctively bright red? The colour originates from crunched, boiled and dried larvae of an insect feeding on cactus plants. Those creepy-crawlers are the source for colour Cochenille. Same colour was used to give that bright red tone to Campari, until it was banned from edible stuff, but still used by cosmetic industry - along whale fat from Greenland.

<--- A Creepy Crawler with a colourful little secret

No worries, the same lavish, slightly bluish red tone has been reproduced synthetically and we can still enjoy a bright coloured Campari-Soda and those delicious red sausages between the rides at Tivoli in Copenhagen.


Some old-school readers might still remember, however, when the colouring agent was changed and the foam on the top of the glass of Campari-Soda went much paler. Mooses does!

Go Greenland!

But in the meantime Danish economy has developed enormously - without the EURO of course. Back in the history are the times of un-employment and movement of Danish youngsters to Sweden. The Danish Queen Margrethe, smokes happier than ever! And the rest of the Nordic Countries lack Danish speakers.

Was it the Blue or the Red Pill, Silvia? --->

What to do? Where to find a Dane? Even a small one would do! Think out of the box - Go Greenland! While the gargantuan ice-mass on the island of Greenland is melting due to global warming, Greenlanders are at the same time loosing their old ways of getting along.

Lack of Danish language in Sweden comes to rescue and Greenlanders emigrate to Sweden en masse, taking their Pet Seals along. Handsome wilderness and unspoiled forests with sparsely inhabited small towns provide a safe-haven and new hunting grounds for stranded Greenlanders.

Social Change Management

Social Change Management is needed for perfect integration, so the Swedish, Turkish-owned Pizzeria's are redoing their lunch menus. Daily Special "Dagens" changes from a Moose Burger into a Whale Burger.

<--- A Great Dane. after a crate of Tuborg.

To satisfy the new demand, ships loaded with legally hunted Greenland whale (for marine science research) which have been cleanly chopped into bite-size pieces and shipped deep-frozen to Japan (for investigation by marine biologists at the Tokyo Sushi Bars) are now diverted to Sweden and that research material used for the lunch-burgers.

Moose stroll in the Swedish forests without fear again.

Mooses says: Learn to speak Whale!

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