Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Mooses's Queen's Day Shot Recipe: The Green Devil

3 cl of Bombay Sapphire Gin
3 cl of green Chartreuse (not the yellow one)

Shake well with ice, strain into a shot glass (and you do keep them in your freezer, don´t you?), shoot!
This one is best in one go, believe me.

The herbal elixiers of Chartreuse give this shot a very distinctive taste. You either like it or hate it. The Green Devil has an extra benefit: the following morning you will not need any toothpaste, your mouth will foam of lovely herbal lather by itself.

BTW, the colour of green Chartreuse is purely natural. All other green ones are artificially coloured.

Mooses says: Shake, Rattle and do some Extreme Ironing!

Queen's Day 2008 is Here!

Finally the spring has arrived and along it, the craziest party in Amsterdam - Queen´s Day. Last night was the "Queen's Night" when folks start warming up to the day to come.

Bars and streets are full of toxicated individuals singing Schlager songs very badly and very, very loud. Lots or orange boa´s are being worn, which lure the local fruitcakes to try them on around their heads. (What is it with those men?)

No to be too distant about this all, Mooses fell into the trap, too, last night. Sevenhundredandeleven gin tonics later it was time to crawl home from the local Chaotic entertainment center. Discussions were around things what a Sikh needs to do to blend into European business community and is it safe to allow lesbians to steer glass-fibre speedboats on the narrow canals of Amsterdam? Highly civilized, utterly cultivated and most motivating topics! And before you even think of it: Mooses did not try the boa.

It´s just past ten in the morning and the chump-bump-chump-bump-chump-squeek-chump-squeek rhythms from the passing boats are already rattling my windows. In no time, a bunch of Extraordinary Ladies and Gentlemen arrive for first refreshments. Before it´s too late, Mooses needs to go and stock up the alcohol. This is not going to end well...

Mooses says: Bless the Queens - and have fun!


Friday, April 25, 2008

To be Lost or to be Found?

Modern Souls are tortured by needing to make so many decisions that keeping ones mind sane is becoming increasingly difficult. RACI, for instance, haunts every man working in an organization bigger than one - should I do it, or should you? Recycling - am I to take a tea bag into pieces and put the tea leaves into bio-waste, the bag itself into paper bin, metal clip into the heap of tin cans and save the yarn for later? Take a loan and buy a house or continue renting - maybe the financial market will collapse like prices of houses in NY? Cross the street here or a block further? Italian or Chinese for dinner? Dog or Cat for a pet? Boy or Girl for a fuck? Goldfish...maybe?

Why bother?

Calvin Klein used to wear his own underwear, did he not, Ms. Midler?

Answer can be found when lost in Helsinki

A place which provides an answer to these mysteries of life exists. It is located in Helsinki and called Lost & Found. Mooses used to do their marketing - ages ago (logo is not mine, but great - Mooses was given The Pin with a Diamond during the 10 Year Anniversary). -Highly recommended place for any visitor needing to spend time in the White City of the North. Clientele varies from civilized artists and other public figures to mere alcoholics and flying madrasses. Lovely blend! And everybody is Too Sexy for their Hat!

Mooses says: Visit Lost & Found. They serve Salmari and other interesting beverages in an enlivening atmosphere. Be careful, you might get lost and like it...

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Mooses's Gueen's Day Recipe: Salmiakkikossu "Salmari" (Licorice Vodka)

Because making this delightful concoction takes some time, it's best to introduce it in a good time ahead. Read carefully - this is the genuine one, whatever your friends tell you. 

Salmari was invented by a bartender (later becoming a public figure and a Tango Queen in Finland) on a Helsinki-Stockholm Cruise Ship - year was one of the late 80's. Out of the White and Red lines cruising the abyss that time, it happened on the Red one. Mooses was not involved with the moment of creation.

The original recipe:

An Export Bag of Tyrkisk Peber Candy (app. 250 gr, not the household 180 gr - more is better, less makes the stuff too thin)

1/2 liters of Vodka (use Koskenkorva or make it on Finlandia or Stolichnaya. Absolutely not with Absolut!)

Crush the candy - easy with a food processor. Take a clean bottle of about 0,75 - 1,00 liters, pour the candy-crush into it (use a funnel), add the Vodka. Shake.

Every day, shake the bottle until all the candy has dispersed into the Vodka - it takes several days.

Chill well. Serve really cold using your nicest shot glasses. And yes of course, shake every time before you pour!

Serves: 2 Finns for one night or 6 Swedes for a weekend or 12 Italians for a week or 32 Japanese for a month or the City of Kansas for a year (including Toto).

<--- Bette had one Salmari too many...or maybe twenty...Joan agrees.

BTW - What Ever happened to Baby Jane?

All about Eve - and Mämmi
Just to let you know - Mommie Dearest

Mooses says: You should play with your Alcohol!

And now a warning! Salmari is extremely unstable substance! You enjoy it and never know when it will explode in your brain. Parental Advisory Recommended! Too many shots also makes your skin smell odd the following morning.

PS. Mummon Tohveli (Grandma's Slipper) is 50/50 Salmari and Baileys layered in a shot glass, Salmari first, it's heavier, and do not stir! DIVINE!

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

URWERK UR-202 - a Watch from Beyond the Earth!

Lord of the Ants, a man who is able to find ANYTHING in the Internet, dropped me an innocent link to see a new watch. Knowing Mooses's utter interest to designer gadgets, he did not just drop a link to the newest Fashion Swatch, but a link to a freshly introduced masterpiece by Urwerk, their brand new UR-202 - code named "Hammerhead".

<--- A Very Nice Watch. Wonder if the strap is genuine leather?

Oh Boy, oh Boy, oh Boy! The system how the watch shows the time is so superiorly brilliant, it's inside workings - including air-turbine controlled self-winding mechanism is an absolute perfection and how it looks, makes Mooses piss honey! WOW!

Hammerhead is brand new little thingy, introduced in Geneva earlier this April. There´s nothing but superlatives in the internet about it and Mooses understands why. The Watch talks to people like Mooses - appreciating unusual, fine craftsmanship. Closest place to buy one would be a single jewellery store in Belgium, hmm? And they do not mention the price, odd?

After a brief internet search, Mooses finds a suggestive article - one lucky Jewellery Store in NY apparently got one and the person who was interested in the price, tells that the Rapturous Jeweller - being blessed by having one - is selling it for mere USD 183.000 (yes, onehundredeightythreethousand).

Mooses needs a very rich lover, and quickly!

The manufacturer is not planning to make the Hammerhead an Everyman´s Watch. The Luxury Watch market is expecting Urwerk to make around 15 (fifteen) watches this year, out of which only 5 (five) to US. We Europeans have therefore a better change to get one. Happy us all!

The UR-202 is available in red gold, white gold, black PE-CVD platinum and ALTiN steel. Nice, very nice indeed! Mooses likes the Red Gold version the best.

Mooses wears the first YES timekeeper. Priceless help in knowing the sunrise and the right time to milk the cows!

Mooses says: I´d be OK with the Black Platinum version of the Hammerhead, too. Thank you, My Opossums, Christmas is coming...

Saturday, April 19, 2008

Glass, a Portait of Philip in Twelve Parts

Philip Glass is a modern Classic Composer. Mooses loves his work and is at ease to compare Philip with the Classical ones like Bach or Shostakovich. Never die, Man!

To the ones not initiated, Mooses recommends to check: Apple Trailers

Mooses says: Be brave and Try It.

(Some bubbly will help. Mooses would make a Bombay Tonic.)
I am your slave, Karin. Spaink me!

Bumped into my mental and literal muse, my life coach, long lost friend and a Beautiful Mind, Karin, yesterday. She appeared at a celebration of an American Colleague (10 years in NL, clever Dude) and his local Lady Friend who honestly looks like he is humping an under-aged one.

Along being a writer and publisher, Karin enjoys the closeness of My Angel nowadays. Mooses is excited! My Angel is a DJ named Lucia. Not the Opera about Lammermoor but Spanish, snappy DJ with most admirable ear piercings. My Angel is my neighbor. Kramer vs. Kramer - my new Padowan Apprentice - enjoyed the thrill as well. Bless his Grand Mother and may the Force (no kidding) be with you. Talk with her before she needs to go.

My Opossums, Karin has Powers Beyond the Earth. Her graying hair only makes her look even more brilliant. And the drunken discussion (me, not her) we had, brought Mooses back to basics regarding writing skills. I am speechless about your strength, Woman! Mooses believes she was surely born with a pen in her hand. Hope her mother did not get hurt in the process.

Without telling too much, I encourage you to Google her name (It is Karin Spaink, if you did not already get it). Be surprised!

Mooses says: Karin grows Dracunculus Vulgaris in her garden. See Karin´s Blog.