Saturday, April 01, 2006

Just to let you know, Mommie Dearest!

No Wire Hangers!!!

To the (hypothetical) Culturally Oriented Reader: Mooses Pessi appears in the book "Havukka-Ahon Ajattelija" (The Thinker from Havukka-Aho) by Veikko Huovinen, published in Finland 1952.

In the book, Mooses is the best friend of the main character Konsta Pylkkänen.

Translations: Swedish ("Konsta" - this for The Ant), German, Estonian, Polish, Tscheck, Lithuanian and Russian.

<--- A Very Exquisite Sweater! Certainly Alpaca... Dear Scheherazade!

Mooses says: I whack people using wire hangers, think Blue Thoughts and blog - so I am!

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