Friday, March 21, 2008

Bubble-Wrap entertained Pussy

Day at the office was the last one before a good break - having a week plus without RACI. Luxury! "Where will you travel during your time off, Mooses?" ... "Praxis!" Sounds like one serious week of DIY - and abuse of power tools for egg painting. Mooses is really looking forward to the Holy Holidays!

After a short creative break, Mooses enjoyed a delightful evening with Milano and Emil. (Sorry for the previous confusion - the names of the brothers are based on their second names, the name of the Lady is any Italian city.)

Emil and Milano took such good care of Mooses. It is almost impossible to describe the appreciation. Full table of Indian Food followed by endless rows of Sambuca and questionable smokes kept us entertained until very late morning hours.

A Grey Cat called Scratchalot got our undivided attention and while being semi-eaten alive by the gorgeous beast, Mooses could not help noticing the odd decoration feature in the room. What the heck does 9 sqm of bubble-wrap on the living room floor actually mean? It is not the first time Mooses has been invited into a Fetish Party - but large quantities of Bubble Wrap on the living room floor? Mooses is a Cat-God-Father!

Emil satisfies Mooses's curiosity

"It is just when we get drunk and and high and the Pussy decides to run around the apartment (while I am hiding behind a door) and wants to attack me... Then the Pussy runs towards me, puts suddenly the brakes full on, and glides against a wall in the soft bubble wrap going: Miaouw!" Mooses understands Fetish People well - particularly when described by a motorbiker.

On the other hand (or on the other hand), this Link.Me.With.People.I.Have.Nothing.To.Do.With.Anymore -site has proven to be effective. After just a couple of weeks there, Mooses has received (and sent) co(u)ntless contact requests from/to people long lost. The question is: Why?

Italian Magick Tradition

But great things happen as well while on line. Mooses´s ever so favourite Team Leader from ages ago, Brown Danger, takes contact. After leaving the company and getting seriously into the family life and travel business, she tells Mooses that all is fine. Mooses needs more details before believing it.

But can we get back into that old idea of finding an old Italian Tradition Teacher for Mooses? I still cannot tune my Olive Oil on Water correctly!

Mooses says: time for a full defrag - will reboot tomorrow...

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