Monday, March 24, 2008

Elisabeth Schwarzkopf - come and sing to Mooses!

Kramer and The Lord of the Ants - both of whom need to go to the office tomorrow - being mortals - entertained Mooses. Right! Mooses wanted to get invited into The Donna Summer Fan Club the other night! NO DICE - but fantastic birthday present - a Chinese Massage! Thanks, Pal! Thanks a lot!

Thanks Dude! You know what I like! Up to his toes, the China Girl goes, David Bowie. Honest, Great, No Happy Ending... WOW! Had to come back home without my imaginatory friend and this quoted young opera singer from the last bar. Please join me to Pijp tomorrow!

Mooses IS for classic music. Fuck, I played violine and trumpet myself! Horror! Rimsky - fingers off Scheherazade! Bach - come on! Mozart - let's have a drink! Sibelius - Walz oh so Triste!

Short one tonight. Have to get ready for Elisabeth Scwartzkopf. All knobs to the South East and Goddess Bless my neighbours.

Never trust Wikipedia. So you are the one who actually did all that Mozart so well? Erm... Let the kids learn.

Mooses says: Listen and Learn! (BTW: Josh Groban, try Mozart - and I mean singing...)

Erm: It would be very unpolite not to recognize the Birthday Present given by The Lord of Ants. Mooses enoyed a full hour of Bang-a-Shit by the Local Chinese Massage Parlour. The Lady knew what to do with Mooses! No Happy Ending, not necessary either. Thanks, Pal, again! Made me feel great!

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