Saturday, March 29, 2008

Do It Yourself!

DIY is one helluva business. Most of the Folks with own houses/apartments turn into it - mostly without any idea about what actually needs to be done. Only with an idea about the final result. DIY - which traditionally involves understanding of materials (like wood, ceramics, thickness of timber, types of glues, sizes of screws...) - has through times been a Male Hobby. You know, bragging around at the house who somebody has already finished waving a hammer for a couple of important details: a nail to hang up the mandatory Picture of the Mother in Law. Our endless appraisals for the good work! The kick must be the Power Tools.

<--- Just Two Hands and Black & Decker - oops, one hand and...

Times have changed

DIY's prominent positions as Nr 1 Male hobby is seriously challenged. Nerds and even Women go DIY nowadays! Hardware shops feature season's gimmicks like pot-plants, give out Design Magazines with easy-to-make newspaper stands made of MDF - and yes! - Designer Pot Plant Holders you can easily make out of air-pipe brackets with creative touch of fancy spray paint. Mmmm - Lovely! (If some of you, Opossums, get an idea to make them as present for Mooses's roof terrace opening, be warned! The fence is not that high...)

All this just to lure the desperate DIY'ers in, to buy super expensive can of decorative paint? But do they actually tell you how to make a tiled bathroom floor with a floor heating - preferably so that the water does not flow into your bedroom? And if you ask for an advice, do they know how to? No. Neither have they any idea if that EUR 39,95 drill is capable of making a hole into your reinforced concrete wall. They never did it themselves - being well trained they leave it for The Pros.

Choice is yours

If you insist on spending lotsa money by the DIY shops, by all means, do so. You will enjoy the Endless Swirl of Fresh Ideas which will enhance the style your home with the latest trends, forms and colours. If you know how to work with the materials, that is.
And now just smooth it all out gently. --->

Latest Gig: flexible dry-wall - perfect for making groovy 70's structures! Easy as Cake: sketch your design, get some incredible flex-boards, make a quick drawing on your floor and start bending! Boards flex like a dream - true. But did they tell you about how to finish the surfaces, plaster it to look like that Smooth Disco Wall you had in mind? Or even how to fix that shit up to the ceiling? No, of course not. This is only about the curving gypsum board. We thought you already knew the rest! Oh, how about Plastering then? The materials are so cheap - cannot be that difficult...

Moose loves DIY

Mooses comes from a Construction Family and can Handle a Hammer. And a Screwdriver. Can even make a proper one. However the advice is:

Nr. 1) DIY shops rip you off with prices.  

Nr 2) People working at DIY shops cannot make a single wall even coloured themselves - they like "giving it an effect".

Nr 3) DIY shops are for rich wankers.

<--- And now just smooth it all out gently.

Go and find a good specialist store at you area and talk with them. Paying for some services will save you money at the end. Do not glue your own shit pipes under the floor, will you!

Always wear proper protection! --->
See more Hilarious Inventive Ideas!


Mooses says: DIY is for Well Initiated People only.

(and where did I put that remote controller of my new remote-controllable bedroom lights...)

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