Monday, March 03, 2008

Is there a cure for RACI?

Winter months are risky times what comes to contagious airborne diseases. Public transport is full of coughing adults targeting their ammunition towards your general direction and runny-nosed kiddos wiping their little hands clean of the snot on the seat handles. You hear "Bless You!" more often than "Hello!" Oh Joy - but the worst is over for this winter already.

However in the office environment, a deep-rooted and highly contagious disease is luring totally uncontained - RACI is all over! It spreads from team to team draining its´ victims of energy, making heads spin helplessly and causing involuntary fingers-down-the-throat sign language. Spring is just around the corner paving the way for the reorganisations - and those events are just what RACI is waiting for. There is little to stop the raging RACI-march through the innocently unaware crowds. Your only hope is awareness.

<--- A RACI Victim

Be well prepared - RACI Season is here!

Two most common first symptoms of RACI are:
  1. Your agenda gets blocked with discussion and review meetings and your mail server´s file system corrupted by Gigabytes of draft presentations.
  2. Your days disappear while involved with follow-ups with infected folks and you´re not able to catch-up with your actual work.
At this stage, RACI can in most cases be cured with off-the-counter Outlook-blockers and Sapphire treatments.

Untreated, RACI can develop additional, severe symptoms like:
  1. You become disoriented, concentrating on counting how many times a term "Accountable" is explained in different ways during the meetings. (RACI is getting into your brain.)
  2. You feel common sense vanishing into thin air and you loose ability to understand your colleagues. You loose trust into Human Kind. (RACI starts affecting your personality.)
At this stage of RACI, careful application of Private Events and Winter Holidays to ones´ agenda have proven effective. These should always be accompanied with high dosage of Bombay or recognized herbal-based remedies administered by trained professionals!

Mooses says: If you get infected by RACI, don't hide it but seek help - you are not alone!

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