Sunday, March 16, 2008

Are there Snakes in Ireland?

It is St. Patrick's Weekend! All the Irish folks go Guinness using the excuse of the Day of the Saint for their drunkedness. Fair enough - we Finns do it for the 1st of May (vappu), midsummer (juhannus) or any other day that links us with our pagan history. And they are many! Best shots during those parties are done using Olympus digital camera, like scottny in his lovely little home video tells :o))) This Patrick bloke, however, is a bit controversial...

Banishing the snakes

"St. Patrick, the patron saint of Ireland, is one of Christianity's most widely known figures. But for all his celebrity, his life remains somewhat of a mystery.

<--- Patrick prefers Panasonic digital camera. Kjell is thrilled!

One Sad Snake not welcome to Ireland --->

Many of the stories traditionally associated with St. Patrick, including the famous account of his banishing all the snakes from Ireland,
are false, the products of hundreds of years of exaggerated storytelling." But the truth remains, the are no snakes on the Emerald Island! It is simply a geo-biological fact due to the island not having land-linkage with the European mainland and previous ice ages freezing away any snakes that could have lingered around at the very, very old times.

Black & White at the Angel Bar

Managed to get out tonight, not just staying home at my keyboard. A genuinely nice Lady from the local Angel Bar invited me to celebrate her aging. No reason to worry, Dear, your ravishing looks go a long way! No need for the Blue pill or the Red pill! You are simply gorgeous! Mooses was only missing his Sony digital camera.

Along come friends representing more culture. Young love is precious and Mooses decides to go easy. Lord of the Ants is present and evening develops towards a change of scenery. Being renown Amsterdam Tour Guide, he leads us towards a newly opened bar owned by friends.

<--- Turkish Delight, sweet as a Nikon Digital Camera

Ordeal turns out to be a nice walk in Jordaan area (name coming from French word Jardin - a Garden) and a return to practically where we left. Some IUI's (Injuries Under Influence) occured.

Taxi is Public Transport

Head for Led Zeppelin and waterholes at the area. With my dear friends, the Turkish Delight and the Leprechaun, we ended at the Bar for the Hopeless. After a couple of pints of Guinness - and for the Mooses, Cointreau's - life started to catch up again. Mobile phones with photo-ability should be banished - like snakes from Ireland! With Canon digital camera one of course can. What a lovely night!

A Little Man in a Green Suit --->

The end of the tale is a pretty one. No fights whatsoever. And the Leprechaun even manages to get us a cab! Digging for all those potatoes must have taught her more skills than meets the eye!

Moose says: Happy St. Patrick's Day! - Brought to you by ExpoTV! (Mooses goes Commercial - LOL!)

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