Monday, April 24, 2006

Dear Scheherazade!

Thanks for the carpet, but it does not fly too well. May I return it as a DOA?

Talking about carpets... Dr. Kaboom - 800 knots per sqi sounds like darn lovely stuff. And Yak-Milk Tea as repulsive as a drink can be. And about the Alpaca´s: The Kiwi´s breed them! O Tempora, O Mores!

The Alpaca is the smaller of two breeds of domesticated Camelids from South America. It exists only in a domesticated state and was bred by the Incas and other “Indian” tribes in the Andes, prior to the sixteenth century Spanish Conquest of that country. Although occasionally eaten, Alpacas were kept mainly for their long, lustrous fleece. They were highly valued and even revered by their owners. Until 1863 they were very difficult to obtain outside their country of origin, with South American governments, especially that of Peru, banning their export.

<--- Mooses wearing Alpaca underwear which are in desperate need of Oxi.

In the mid 1980s the New Z
ealand and Chilean governments came to an agreement allowing Alpacas to be imported direct from South America. This was the start of a new farming venture in New Zealand with hopes for commercial success in the production of camelid fibre. Today there are between two and three thousand Alpacas in this country. (The entire world population is no more than two million.)

Mooses says: Wear Alpaca, it is a Natural Fibre!

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