Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Hippan und Pippan!

The Day of Mooses included today business-wise only one incident worth a comment: Quarterly Balalaika Rave Part II which turned into a detailed and extended debate if a 1/4 of a full-time-equivalent writing e-mails in Swahili while taking calls in Retoromanian should actually be considered 1/3rd or 1/5th. Yawn!

Checkbook Balancing

Privately the bills collecting at my doorstep reminded me of X-mas (all in so bright red). To allow me to still pass the immigration to US, I decided to pay the B-Mex right away.
One Million Dollars --->

For the rest I will send a post card stating: "Dear XXX! Thank you for your participation to my monthly drawing of bills. Unfortunately you did not win this time. Better luck next month and thank you for your continuing support!" Mooses feels poor!

Balancing one’s checkbook is not easy, so not get discouraged by occasional mishaps. Always remember, that if you never live beyond your financial limits, you never feel like you lived at all.

Who cares, there's Slutty Dike!

But on the other hand the balancing act at Slutty Dike saved the day again! One of the first topics discussed was Helmut. He is a close and personal friend of Vespa the Cock and their relationship can only be described as - close and personal. IceMan could not keep his sticky fingers off Helmut and I suddenly sensed jealousy in the air. Big Time Drama was just about to be observed! Vespa the Cock decided, without a warning, to leave. He grabbed Helmut by his straps, they both jumped on the Vespa and went away, disappearing into a could of blue smoke emitted by the coughing engine. A true Kodak Moment, I tell you!

Left amazed, Mr. Cheesy Claw, IceMan, Lord of the Ants and myself continued analyzing the celestial events we had confronted lately. Mushi-topics were very prominent again. The beloved mystery got all the attention it deserves - and more. Boys are boys even if they cut socks!

Time flies like an arrow. Fruit flies like a banana.

PS. Dr. Kaboom - The Spice must flow!

Mooses says: "Money is like manure. It's of no use if you don’t spread it!"

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