Wednesday, April 12, 2006

It is Full Moon tonight!

Sunday went with very, very deep self-studies regarding counter-effects of good times. Perfect appetite for movies, very little physical efforts. Bliss in a sense. Hermione has turned into an early teen with clear admiration towards Slavic blokes. Good for you, Girl!

Monday was again a house-hunting day. Was shown an absolutely perfect roof terrace in a neighborhood where you need a helicopter to get safely home. Funny the owners call it their Little Palace. Cannot afford the chopper so had to turn it down. Hunt continues...

<--- Hermione goes: "Fukkaoffayaevillawizardus!"

Tuesday included the usual business mambo with a twist from the neighbors. Turning down a meeting request to discuss things that cannot be discussed, caused a counter-reaction beyond your imagination. After five years of sheer affection I am now the Bad Guy. GRMPFL! Sad to turn into a neighbor only, guys! So long and thanks for all the fish! Herpulandia topics are non-repeatable. The East-Bunny managed to mess my circles big time again. But - I have to get you and Dr. Kaboom to talk...

Wednesday, today that is, was business as usual. RACI Chart is becoming a term that I cannot pronounce without getting spasms. Metro was running without aMunchie schedule and taking one’s habitus to Herppu took me ages. But seeing Cock de Vespa, Helmut, Mr. Cheesy Claw and Bionic Woman greeting me in their peculiar way helped me to recuperate from the slopes. Piggy Skewers in Nutty Sauce satisfied my appetite and the ever-so-grinny Ms. Rwanda gave us again *the looks*. Missing Lord of the Ants and Iceman kept the issues confronted on a decent level. But not being able to figure out how the cursor works on an Elderberry entertained Mr. Claw and Bionic for ages.

Cock de Vespa, true to his habits, grabbed Helmut again very early - but this time voiced a suggestion: "how about a Garden Party?" It did not take more than a flash for Bionic to jump on the Vespa. They all disappeared into a blue cloud of smoke emitted by the coughing engine. Mr. Cheesy in his shy style approached me asking if I knew where this Mystical Garden was. Knowing the way I offered myself to be his guide and we headed towards the temple - using a tram this time.

Garden of Earthly Finger-Food is a small, smoky and noisy joint very close to the AMS center. Mr. Cheesy can easily find his way back again by locating the Fireplace next to it. Together with a couple of known aliens, the party continued for a while. Bionic got a new name: Ms. Perky. You know, the anti-gravity effects enjoyed during her early girlyhood on the other side of the globe keeps them up in any weather conditions on the Northern Hemisphere! Even when hanging from the backlights of a Vespa.

Decided to walk home. Air was fresh and morning comes soon. Good night, all you Werewolves!

Mooses says: M&M's melt in your mouth, not in your hand.

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