Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Let's play... The Weakest Leek!

Which vegetable is needed together with potatoes to make Vichysoisse?
- Leek.
What is the reason why you order a plumber to visit your bathroom?
- A Leek.
What is a group of Extraordinary Gentlemen called?
- The Leek. - Bank!
What do Ducks do?
- They leek. - Bank!
What is a hung Extraordinary Gentleman called?
- Major Leek?
What do men do in toilets?
- Take a leek? - BANK!
Which UK band had a hit "Don´t You Want Me, Baby?"
- Human Leek
What do cooks do with leeks in a bathroom?
- ???
Time out! The correct answer is: They call the plumber.
What is the term used to describe a non-hung extraordinary gentleman?
- Spring Onion?
Wrong answer! The correct one is: A Duck.

You are the Weakest Leek. Good bye!

(Anne R. is so much better with this, must be the coat?)

PS. Like you can see - no Fuzzy Ducks tonight! However do expect a lot of interesting services to be offered online at:, and

PPS. New members of the Group: Ani and Ora van Achteren. Japanese-born twins with a Dutch linkage in the family line. They run a leek-farm inherited from their grand-grand-parents. The farm is located close to Alkmaar and produces superior products to satisfy even the most demanding leek-eaters - and can really make a difference in any Vichysoisse. Always ask for the Famous Leeks of Ani and Ora!

Mooses says: Let's Play... Weakest Leek!


Anonymous said...

See that girl, watch that scene, dig in the leaking queen....


Anonymous said...

Ich habe meine Prei vergessen, bitte auslaufen lassen damit ich meine Ente degreasen kann.


Mooses Pessi said...

Dear Abba Lover!

You are hinting towards something obscene, are you not? This blog is to share valuable information and uplifting contributions to common good.

If you continue with your suggestive commenting, Mooses might be forced to take radical actions. Those might include restrictive access to Ducks and Leeks. Be warned!

Chiquitita and Mooses knows!

Mooses Pessi said...

Degreasing a leek is not easy. First of all, the operation must be performed with utmost care using hypoallergenic degreasers only. Otherwise you run a risk for serious surface damage.

Getting the grit out is lot easier. Just rinse under lukewarm, running water and Klaar is Kees!

Anonymous said...

Well waddayaknow.... leak me!

Anyway beggars can't be choosers so behind every great man there is a great leek.

Anonymous said...

And no, before anyone asks, these are not my quotes but Mary's. So before sending me any copyright infringement hatemail, let her know before she leaves.

