Sunday, April 09, 2006

The Brothers Emil and Ernest.

The Dinner Date with Milano, Emil, Ernest and Nadia turned into a long, very long night. Not too surprising actually, considering the amount of Quality Alcohol consumed. Unlike with the usual bunch of guys, last night topics were more related to family matters. Mushi was mentioned only as a side topic.

Risotto alla Milanese

While preparing her famous risotto, Milano shared her concerns regarding the difficulties in general with family life. I joined the chorus adding the odd set-up of my father´s sisters to the picture. That should wet any eye...

Milano´s risotto was excellent, discussions very multi-dimensional and friendships got enforced big time. A brilliant evening & nite. Thanks, Dudes! Had to check the fruits of the park on the way home - negotiable.

Very easygoing Sunday. Wobbly mood, lotsa chatting, brief home delivery. Gosh, I should have used paper and pen and not the Eddie Izzard Notebook last nite. So many good details lost.

A Glamour Mushi from the Old Times --->

Movie time!

Mooses says: "Send half of them away. I am tired!"

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