Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Lord of the Ants has returned from the Mother Hill!

An artistic set of agreed mutilations and fiber-rich menu had done him good. Some natural UVA radiation had turned his complexion towards more generally acceptable and his overall habitus was full of energy we mortals have difficulties to accept. Welcome back to the Reality, Dude. Sorry we could not match your enthusiasm today. We´ll return the favor eventually!

No much time to check the knot-densities and materials today, so this becomes a short one. Mau home, Ms. Perky left a minute before our arrival to Herpulandia, Dr. Kaboom preparing for an interview (good luck, Pal!), Cock de Vespa still drip-drying his undies, Olliebollie on a grumpy mood, Ants with too much holiday energy, East-Bunny liking his reflection in the mirrors - and there was Mooses.

Somehow I feel short of words today. Peanut Sauce nuked with pieces of Ex-Chicken (yes, from Api) on my plate - Prison Break on DVD. Saving the verbal-diarrhea for the Queen´s Day, perhaps...

Mooses says: Cheers in Alpaca!

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