Monday, April 03, 2006

Needlepoint is one creative form of art

Weekend, you ask? Gone! Instead of spending money supporting the Lush Life of the bar-owners on Saturday, I took my needle-point work out from naftaline and gave "The Guardian Angel" a couple of additional stitches of pure silk. Got the colours wrong, though. I´ve apparently lost my touch what comes to high-quality results on this arena.

So checked the movie "Crash" (zotzot - a legal copy!). Can for sure recommend! Thanks for lending it out, IceMan, SupaToll!

Edna enjoying some crab after busy, busy, busy day with needlepoint --->

Heavy weekend

So like you can see, on Saturday, also motivated by a friendly but demanding message from a great couple of friends who were moving to a new place on Sunday, I stayed home. Having a hang-over while doing hard labor is killing, so self-protection played a role in my Saturday entertainment decision, too. Imagine! One needs helluva guts to ask friends to be cheerpy-cheerpy 10 AM on Sunday morning to carry boxes, sofas, archives of Jurassic study materials including all the leather-bound sets of Encyclopedia Britannica ever published (there IS the CD-version, too, you know!) and various loose utensils topped with a bottle of toilet cleaner and an electric mosquito-racket around.

My Dear Oxi!

So Sunday vanished like iodine stains with Oxi while running up and down stairs carrying items from one place to another. Heavy day but many hands make light work! Congrats to your new home, Milano, Emil and Geo - gorgeous place you got there!

When coming across "art" which triggers a grin on your face when you think of it at the house of your friends, buy it. A little pressie is always appreciated, even if the receiver blushes and is not completely sure whether he/she will actually display it at home. Immerse your friends with new viewpoints to their mortal existense! Tip: Erotic Collectibles!

Monday. Like every darn week it arrives after Sunday, whatever you do. Training ache in muscles I had forgotten I had. If the reason for hurting musculature around my loins was any other but the move on Sunday, I might have had a grin on my face. This morning I looked pretty serious, I fear. Office stuff - the whole day - not too surprising but in a weird way rewarding. Details another time.

And then for the evening agenda. What would a Monday be without a mandatory visit to the 6 Stars of Slutty Dike? Usual bunch of people, however missing part of the Luelzies. Good portion of scorched piggy bum drowned in home-made-from-the-bag pepper sauce made me recuperate miraculously from the fatigue of the day. And the couple of beers helped along. Not to reveal too much of the details, I can assure you that a Drinking Game called "Fuzzy Duck" is surprisingly fun. Do not try it when sober, though.

Let's Play Fuzzy Duck!

Rules of Fuzzy Duck: say one after another "Fuzzy Duck" until somebody says "Does he?" turn the order of the participants and say "Ducky Fuzz" until somebody again says "Does he?" turn the order again and start from the beginning. Sounds silly? It is, but give it a try! This, together with another game featuring sock-cutters was introduced by the Bionic Woman.

<--- Fuzzy Duck in Blue

In New Zealand everybody is playing drinking games all the time, we hear! Hilarious, really. You sound like you do not believe me here, eh??? Follow the Blobsies, I sense there will be a lot more on this particular topic to be revealed.

Moose says: I leave you to your own devices, you fuzzy ducks and cut socks for tonite. Dazzie Fuck?

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