Saturday, April 01, 2006

Morning has Broken.

Or rather the noon. Sun got up with a very loud rattle and birds are screaming in the trees. It is quarter to one...

Late chatting with Munchie and discussing odd propositions from various cyber-thingies took me to the early morning hours. But gravity and toxication finally overtook my innocence and forced me to bed. Not really feeling like having a breakfast, my Opossums.

<--- You can almost hear the horrendous noise sun makes when rising...

Highlights so far

- Lord of the Ants managed to get lost in Haarlem, privately entertaining local Flora and Fauna. Too many bedrooms, he claims.
- Munchie is very enthusiastic about this whole blog-thingie. Thank you - you are the Best!
- An Oldie who is very Kinky and Yummie indeed showed me interest over the internet. Am I having too high hopes about myself again?
- There is a proposition to get together with the Prick´s Club at the Red Light District. Muse Hunting, I presume?

- Tiramushi is apparently not a dessert.

Delta Testing Doomed

Oh, do not even try to put an American electricity plug into a European wall socket. It does not fit - even if you try to force it. (Down the drain goes my Delta Testing contributions for this weekend. I cannot get that darn thing charged.)

Some basic troubleshooting: do you have another power cord, Sir? Get lost, you Schmuck! I'll use my pet-porcupine as a replacement. Have a good day too!

Final comment for this morning: assaulted nuts from Albert Hein keep their crispiness over the night even in an open container.

Mooses says: Hugzies to the World!

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