Friday, April 07, 2006

Mooses's Friday Long-Drink Recipe: Long Island Ice Tea

2 cl of each: Gin, Cointreau, White Rum, White Tequila and Vodka.
Dash of Coca-Cola
Lemon Slice

Build in a tall glass of app. 25 cl.

Fill the glass with ice, pour the liquor in - all exactly the same amounts.
Top up with coke - not too much, a generous dash is enough, it's for colour only!
Stir with a spoon, decorate with lemon slice (that darn mint in the picture is really not necessary)

Yes, resembles the traditional Long Island Ice Tea, eh? It is almost the same, just missing the totally unnecessary Sour Mix. Tea is supposed to be clear, not fuzzy as it turns with Sour Mix!

PS. Mau and Bionic - whassup? Story tells you have not been well lately? Get better and come to play with us! Friday is here! See you at the 6 Stars?

Mooses says: Get Toxicated!

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