Monday, April 17, 2006

Went astray...

Spent a Sunny Ester Sunday hopping happily in the city. Shiny Happy People all around, terraces full of folks involved in giggly discussions. Am overly neatly dressed in black and white. Black, round sunglasses top my virtuoso image. Looking like a waiter with a hangover...

Well, the absolutely most gorgeous bar owner in town shook my hand smiling like a biscuit I'd like to dunk. Being short is not necessarily a negative thing in a man, you know! And those motorbike leathers did not look too bad either! Casa Disaster was cramped with folks who decided to keep themselves as far from the windows as possible. Odd. Took a beer and while sipping it on the street, got an idea why.

A Police on a bicycle stopped a black guy - neatly and cleanly dressed sober bloke - insisting to see his ID. While checking it, he called for assistance and in flash another bloke arrived - on a bicycle. After about 10 minutes of effe-checken they apparently had no choice but to let the guy go. I sensed disappointment on the Cops´ faces. No possibility to prove one's powers, eh? Gosh - what's happening to Amsterdam?!?!?

Wondered further and ended at Hamster Tavern. Still empty but people flowing in slowly. Engaged in discussion with an extraordinary couple - lady of her God-knows-how-much and a bloke that looked like an Overgrown Steroid Mummy.

Never judge a book by the cover! They both turned out to be most hilarious people, old, proud, in love and with a witty zest in life. The dude was 60+, from the old East of Europe and been working as a club doorman for ages. Marvelous sense of people, friendly smile and a sturdy handshake. The lady was like from "Copacabana" without the sadness of times changing. An example to keep in mind, Guys!

Well, a few slippery dance steps later I eventually left. No clue what time and via which establishments. Went on the Fast-Forward and the recording head got disengaged from the tape. Remember I had a short-lived fit of rage at home, though. Found one shoe next to my bed, the other one on the sofa. No other damages visible.

Checked the blogsies and noticed most unnerving input from Mr. Cheesy Claw. I hope he is OK. Tried to call - three times - and after six zillion rings, no answer.

Mooses says: Det gör Ont!

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