Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Dickie did the Duck while Fuzzy Mazzie was dancing Dixie...

You got it - Fuzzy Duck with Ms. Perky, Olliebollie, Dr. Kaboom, Mr. Cheesy, East-Bunnie and Scotzie. Not clever but highly entertaining. Top of the Topics: atom weights of metals, names of heavy metal bands, capitals in Lithuanian language (never heard about Ogoneks, Carons or Macrons?), endangered human races, sock-cutter clubs in UK and things you can do with a duck without taking your clothes off while enjoying a Mai-Tai on a beach in Bumbardando.

And none of the participants were English children but they were all talking English! Thank you, Mazzie! I am a Boy. You are a Duck!

<--- A Duck. Not a Fuzzy One, Mazzie! A real Fuzzy Duck can be found here

Well, gonna go and check an apartment again tomorrow - on Quanto Costa Kade this time. Details in future postings. No need for a heli-port around this area, though.

Mooses says: Keep your hands on top of the blanket!


Anonymous said...

Make sure it's not one of the ground floor departments; they have a leaking tendency ;-) on DaCosta kade hehehehe
Ducky Fuzz! Fuzzy Dick!! Fizzy Dick?

Anonymous said...

Yuck. I must be pissed.

Mooses Pessi said...

The place is actually on Quanto Costa Street and top floor(s), so Olliebollie´s concerns about leakages are luckily not so prominent. But I'll see - show at 11:30.

Now I'll do the Triple-S and get going!

PS. What on earth are those URL links??? :o)