Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Don't Panic!

I got stampeded by a thought of Universal Gigantic X-dimensional Mushi's tonite. And that was not pretty! Almost lost my appetite... But a nuked Paella alla Apiheijn is my savior tonite! The only taste I recon from it is the added Kikkoman. What happened to the shrimpies?

Daytime score: Boss arrived, had a quick lunch with me and gave me the good news. Consumed two Cheese Soufflés, 1/2 liter of Coke Light and grabbed a sandwich for later. You see, I comply. Quarterly Balalaika Rave with a busi-partner at the local tennis club turned into a most entertaining event. My old monkey-on-the-line ears spotted terms like "Erlang C" from the cacophonia of bullshit-bingo-terminology but made me actually make some notes. Success!

A Proper Cheese Soufflé --->

The evening set-up at the stupendous 6 Stars of Slutty Dike turned out different this time. Dr. Kaboom wearing a set of garments not commonly seen on him, Lord of the Ants, Mr. Cheesy Claw and IceMan had already enjoyed the local hospitality at the time of my arrival. I get seated, IceMan leaves - no connection with these two incidences in time. You will later figure out why. Bionic Woman and her Elderberry were missing. So was the infamous Male Organ on Vespa. This must be the result of Global War*n*ing, I fear. Too much carbon dioxide, perhaps? Maybe excess methane?

Dr. Kaboom wears a Polka Dot Tie

Mooses says: If you, after listening to your heart, decide to wear a polka-dot tie of blue and red with light blue cheese-cloth shirt topped with a 80´s sleek pin-stripe midnight blue suit to a job interview, do not start the conversation telling "they were 90/10 against me." Get a new tie!

Dr. Kaboom - to inform you, My Young Padowan Apprentices - is one of the most intriguing figures still alive. Without loosing his pace with Shouffe (clear as is conciense), he is able to clarify any details about wave theory, beginning of universe, improbability of time travel, reason why an object growths in length while approaching a black hole, and the reason why newly brought pint of beer leaves a wet ring on a table. And you bloody believe him! He is also a devoted Tesla Fan, like me. I must introduce you to Munchie one day. You were made for each others!

After the culinary AH experience wihich actually got cold on my plate while Blogging with you, I must retire for tonite. There is more Quarterly Balalaika Rave for me tomorrow, and it starts early.

PS. According to Mr. Cheesy Claw, anti-materia can never touch another piece of materia. We decided not to try this hypothesis with a fist against a face this time. Another opportunities will be explored later.

<--- Materia vs. Antimateria

PSS. I just found an antimateria sandwich in my backpack?

Mooses says: No Fuzzy Ducks this time. Keep your hands above the blanket!


Anonymous said...

Dr. Kaboom is a character in the Dune universe created by Frank Herbert. Dr. Kaboom is a major character in the landmark novel Dune.

Dr. Kaboom was a Suk Doctor with Imperial Conditioning, which was supposed to make the so conditioned person unable to take life (although it is shown that the Conditioning can be overcome), and thus was trusted and qualified even enough to tend to the health of the Emperor of the Known Universe. He was, however, corrupted. Dr. Kaboom spent the last years of his life in the service of House Atreides. Baron Vladimir Harkonnen, in an attempt to destroy House Atreides, kidnapped Kaboom's wife and forced Kaboom to betray the Atreides.

Dr. Kaboom led to the downfall of House Atreides when he disabled the shields to the Atreides Palace on Arrakis allowing the combined forces of the Emperors Sardaukar and the Harkonnens to attack, and he drugged Duke Leto Atreides himself.

Dr. Kaboom delivered the Duke right into the hands of Baron Vladimir Harkonnen, but retained some loyalty to the Atreides and allowed Jessica Atreides and Paul Atreides to escape by convincing the Baron to dump them in the desert.

Dr. Kaboom's last act for vengeance was implanting an artificial tooth into Leto's jaw. This tooth was filled with deadly gas that would be released when the jaw clamped down. Dr. Kaboom's hope was that Leto would be able to bite down on the tooth while the Baron was gloating over his victory and in doing so, kill the Baron. The plan was unsuccessful in killing the Baron but it did kill his Mentat Piter De Vries.

Dr. Kaboom, upon delivering the Duke to the Harkonnens found out that his wife was already dead, as he already suspected, but he did not have much time to mourn this loss as he was killed almost immediately after his task was complete.

Dr. Kaboom went down in history as a famous traitor, joining a multitude of legendary or real traitors such as Judas, Vidkun Quisling, the Fish Speaker Nayla Nycalliste, An Lu Shan of Earth's China and Benedict Arnold of Old Earth's House of Washington. As with Judas, however, some people have always wondered if Kaboom was in fact doing a task that however hateful, was needed to move the human race in time and evolution.

Mr Cheesy Claw said...

Dear Nympho,

How splendid is your blog and how big is your vocabulary and wisdom, and I haven't even read everything yet. Therefore: will I ever, in this or an after life be able to reach this quality?

Cheers on your blog Mooses!
Signed: Claw (tm)