Saturday, April 08, 2006

Mooses goes Heterophobic.

Herpulandia, the 6 Stars of Slutty Dike, showed its´ other face last nite. After the weekly contributions at the office, Lord of the Ants and myself went to visit the establishment, both full of anticip---pation. And the place was filled with materia reminding me of the stuff that still has not been discovered by science. Very Anti Everything. Brrr...

While wondering if it really is Friday, Cock de Vespa dropped in with Helmut. What a relief! However they did not stay for long due to previous engagements they had made. Teasers!!! But I can tell you, Helmut is cool! IceMan - I had a change to caress him this time. :o)

Are there many Fjords in your country?

So left into our miserable existence, Lord of the Ants and me continued our journey to oblivion. Assisted by gorgeous Ms. Rwanda, it would have progressed fine until The Fjord interrupted our suicidal mission. The Fjord is a Boy from Ipanema.
On a Boat Trip to Ipanema --->

Ipanema is a small fishermen’s village in Norway. It takes Hurterutten 3,5 days to reach civilization after visiting the village. Ipanema is far, far away...

Ms. Rwanda got her place in my heart, though. Thanks, Gorgeous! Let your hair out and we'll rock!

After X-dimensional try-outs to explain The Fjord where local Western Gas Factory and the gargantuan rave party is located, we all three decided to hit the road and head to Led Zeppelin. The Fjord insisted in paying the transport. We took taxi. During the flight, The Fjord made history by asking me: "Are you Generally Gay?" Mooses went speechless.

At the Dark&Light Bar, we were greeted by a bunch of friends from the ancient history - all-men, all-hetero, all non-sober. Somehow the discussion again turned towards the beloved mystery, Mushi. I complied by adding some lesbian jokes. Not my best performance, have to admit. Then a bunch of late fourties Briton Swingers entertained me by their non-continental approach to social behavior. Getting handshakes and admiration to my ethnic background led to an invitation to join the fun. Mooses resisted the temptation easily because he does not hump inflatables!

<--- An Inflatable Victim of Traffic Brutality

Hetero Bars: crucial meeting-places for sexually restricted

I have many hetero friends and I love them all. I find it also very good that they have their own bars where they can meet other heteros and talk about those hetero-things. But all that kissing and hugging sometimes make me feel not at ease. Learning: Do not pay too much attention to the hetero-behavior. Entertain yourself with their immaculate lack of taste instead.

Change from one hetero-bar to another did not go well. I lost the main group and ended in occupying two chairs by a barrel-table in a sequel bar, with The Fjord. A beer, amount and shape described by locals as "a Small Vase", took me back to my ethnic roots. Trying to explain The Fjord that he only needs to pick up the spoon - there is soup everywhere - did not go well. Had to leave, that Dude was doomed not to get laid that night.

On my way home, I tried to cheer up by visiting a cellar-bar "Nail". But for some reason it had lost the tangy atmosphere and did not even vaguely trigger urge to rub any rhubarbs. A creature of apparent US origin, with absolutely gorgeous frame but very, very ugly face approached me, wobbling while trying to keep the oranges under his arms: "Wanna something?" I managed not to say: "Sure, a shot gun!" Time for another taxi - home this time.

Saturday afternoon now. A clever man would stay home and put his weekly load of underwear into a washing machine with Oxi. Mooses is not a clever man, Mooses goes hunting!


Mooses says: Keep an open mind and never turn down an invitation which does not include immediate threat to your existence.


Anonymous said...

What I sayed in the taxi witch were well quoted after, was not lame as "are you realy gay", but "What are you, gay by default?" I remeber, but I do not remeber the meaning of it, if there ever was one. No offence taken I hope.

As if I hadnt got enoupf beer that night. I ended up playing chess with a French guy in a coffieshop way after midnight. And some how I won.

Mooses Pessi said...

No offence taken at all! Thanks for your comment!
