Sunday, April 23, 2006

Sunday - way past the noon...

While doing my weekend Oxi, Nadia called and lured me to join her and Ernest for dinner in town. I was immediately game! That gave me only a couple of hours to do my shoppie-hoppie and needed to rush. A friend who lives close to Cheesy Town insisted that I´d get a Muir Cap. And Mooses is so bad with fancy hats!

However decided to give it a try and headed to BoB, a shop full of dead cow garments, addressing the clerk: "I have been invited to a Cock & Tail Party and I need a proper hat." He looked at me like I had just landed from another planet and represented an unknown species. But after a while he relaxed demonstrating me the mysteries of Muir Caps. And against my wildest expectations, I actually bought one, with all the bells and whistles.

Rushing forward I bumped into a Witch Shop called "Widdershins". Full of witches of all ages - female - the shop displayed an array of parafernalia out of which a certain item jumped out. Bought if to Mr. Cheesy Claw. He´ll love it - he must love it!

Replacement brush problem

Hunt for replacement brushes to my Philips Sonic-Magic-Wand was difficult. One would expect that any respectful drugstore in the Netherlands would stock brushes to a Dutch-Made toothbrush, but no.
The only place in the center I found them at was the supa-dupa department store Beehive. And for the Beehive price as well! Two for mere 35 Euro´s! Robbery! But the thing does it well - in your mouth, that is.

Had just a moment to spend before meeting Nadja and Ernest so dropped in at the famous web-based sleazy-bar. Nothing to report from there. Too early and local skin-drag-queens on roller-scates actually just irritated me. Headed to La Bamba to meet the friends. A very nice dinner and hilariously funny waiter caressed us to high spirits and we decided to head towards Western Gas Factory. Never arrived to that place on a taxi before. We bumped into a most peculiar close neighbor of mine we all knew and ended up talking drunken nonsense. Eventually time to leave, wobbling across the street home.

Testing new accessories

Somehow my mind had been around the darn cocktail hat and could not resist the temptation to give it a try. Heading out again. Apparently the thing speaks to some local aliens because I was positively addressed by several night-crawlers. Nice, actually. Should I wear it to the office?

Well well. Back to the reality and instant coffee. Sofa looks very tempting now...

Mooses says: Accessorize!


Anonymous said...

Waaaaah! Mooses with a muir cap! A spectacle I can impossibly miss! (or was it a Mooses' cap?)
Anyhow, I am considering buying a screamingly colorful, very "70ies" grandma's swimming cap with loads of quivering rubber blossoms, so when sitting out on those lovely café terraces, we could at least be mistaken for the real life incarnation of SIMS game (porn update included). And I won't miss my Doris Day sunglasses :-))


Mooses Pessi said...

LOOOOL! Buy two and I'll join for an afternoon pink-gin!