Saturday, April 22, 2006

Time for some action again - Oxi Action!

Pile of garments waiting for me to tackle their weary condition. I need that washing machine which dries and irons as well! They do exist; they are called "Wife-o-Mat" but they are not cheap nor easy maintenance.

So before hitting the town, time for the weekly stain-fighting game. My reliable companion, Oxi, will be but into action again!


Mooses says: Any Day is a bright Oxi Day!


Anonymous said...

Butt into action!? Or vice versa? What are you on this weekend? Mushi Mushi!

Mooses Pessi said...

Dear Mega Loel!

Mushi-mushi to you, too. I have been eating well. And it did not cost too much this time! After the eat, bunch of Extraordinarily Good Friends took me to a Hetero Bar. I liked it! We met some odd people there.

After letting me alone, I went home and changed into something more unconfortable...

Rest it history.

Mr Cheesy Claw said...

Helloe Mooses,

Don't we all love visual attractions, mmm, I get so hungry only by looking at those pictures! (hehe, only the second one of course).

Have a good sunday!
Signed, Claw